In today’s fast and busy life there is an incremental increase in number of cases like chain snatching, looting, robbery, outrage etc resulting in physical injuries and in certain case even deaths. We as citizens can’t predict when it may happen with us and where. So one needs to be prepared for any kind of eventuality that may happen anywhere any time. Keeping this in mind we at Ambala College of Engineering and Applied Research organized four days “SELF DEFENCE TRAINING WORKSHOP” from 18th-21st January 2021 in our spacious lush green playgrounds for all staff members.
Dr. Vikas Sharma, Assistant Professor and Head of Biotechnology department of our college conducted this workshop. He is the disciple of Captain Robbie Mahabeer, Durban, South Africa, where Dr. Vikas Sharma had spent 1.5 years for learning skills of Self Defence.
The training was imparted by demonstration and practical sessions simulating actual scenarios in daily life. Lot of enthusiasm was seen among all staff members including ladies.
Dr. Amit Wason thanked Dr. Vikas Sharma for such professional training in which about 70 staff members participated. Dr. Ashawant Gupta, Director ACE, and Mr. Ashwani Goel, member Board of Governors of College also witnessed and participated in the training.
Here is a glimpse of the same: